The University of Texas at Dallas
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Jerry Comer

A retired engineer, Jerry Comer MS’77 earned his master’s degree in management from UT Dallas during his career as a design engineer at Texas Instruments.

Since the late 1950s, Comer has collected a wide range of photographs. A dedicated supporter of UT Dallas, he then made several gifts to the University, including hundreds of photographs dating from the 1930s, to form the Jerry and Marilyn Comer Collection of Photography, as well as books and periodicals on modern and contemporary photography that have been gifted to the Eugene McDermott Library. A series of 302 aviation-themed photographs from renowned photographer Bob Seidemann also was gifted to the library’s Special Collections.

In 2018, Comer received the Green and Orange Award for Alumni Service at the UT Dallas Awards Gala.

His generosity and passion for photography also has contributed to the advancement of the arts at UT Dallas with the many programs and opportunities that have been made possible through the Comer Collection Endowment Fund, which was established in 2021.

Jerry Comer (center) with his wife, Marilyn, and Dr. Dennis Kratz, former dean of the School of Arts and Humanities at UT Dallas.
Jerry Comer (center) with his wife, Marilyn, and Dr. Dennis Kratz, former dean of the School of Arts and Humanities at UT Dallas.